EduCourse’s Guide to EduTest Scholarship Tests 2025

What is EduTest?

EduTest is a company that provides scholarship and entrance tests to schools in Australia. These tests are designed to measure a student’s abilities and achievements in various academic areas. 

EduTest scholarship and entrance tests are used by schools to identify students who have the potential to excel academically and who may be eligible for financial assistance or other academic opportunities. 

These tests are typically more demanding than regular academic assessment tests and are designed to differentiate the top students with high ability and achievement skills.


When do the tests take place?

The test takes place over one day. In 2024, most EduTest scholarship tests will take place in February/March. The date of the test is different for each school, you can see the application and test dates for all schools here:


What is assessed in an EduTest exam?

EduTest scholarship test results are divided into two categories: Ability and Achievement. Ability tests, such as Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning, estimate a student’s potential to learn and apply reason and logic. Achievement tests, such as Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and Written Expression, provide an indication of what a student has learned and their execution of learned skills.

Students sitting the EduTest scholarship will sit both the Ability and Achievement tests; 5 sections in total.

Verbal Reasoning
Test Requirements
  • Ability Test
  • 30 minutes
  • Tests the ability to think and reason using words and language. Including spelling, vocabulary and grammar questions.
Numerical Reasoning
Test Requirements
  • Ability Test
  • 30 minutes
  • Measures the capacity to think and reason with numbers. Including series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deduction questions.
Test Requirements
  • Achievement Test
  • 30 minutes
  • Assesses the student's capacity to read and inteperet reading passages, and correct sentences.
Test Requirements
  • Achievement Test
  • 30 minutes
  • Measures year-level mathematics knowledge and achievement based on the Australian curriculum.
Written Expression
Test Requirements
  • Achievement Test
  • 30 minutes
  • Tests a student's ability to convey ideas in written form, typically in a persuasive or creative manner.

How are results reported?

EduTest scholarship test results are compared to the results of thousands of other students in the same year level across Australia. These results provide an indication of a student’s performance on that particular testing occasion and should not be considered prescriptive. It is important to remember that the majority of students who take these tests will receive scores in the “average” or “normal” range, while about a quarter of students will score higher and another quarter will score lower.


How should a student prepare for an EduTest exam?

A student preparing for an EduTest scholarship test should:

  1. Understand the format and content of the test by reviewing sample questions and studying the test’s syllabus.
  2. Identify strengths and weaknesses by taking practice tests and identifying areas that need improvement.
  3. Create a study schedule and stick to it by allocating enough time to cover all the material and leaving enough time for review.
  4. Stay organised by keeping track of important dates and deadlines, and keeping notes and study materials in order.
  5. Stay focused and motivated by setting goals, and reminding yourself why you are taking the test and what you hope to achieve by passing it.
  6. Get enough rest and stay healthy by making sure to get enough sleep, eating well and exercising regularly.
  7. Consider taking a test preparation course such as EduCourse’s EduTest preparation courses and packages.

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